THE KING OF THE VILLAGE - Honeysuckle Roses Gardenia

by Sheila

The King of the Village
I slept on the back of the King of the Village
I slept on his back one night
I slept so soundly, resting in long-needed peace
Wearied mind flesh bones - I slept deep
I sent my weight to the Kings strength and he afforded it better than me
I slept on the back of the King of the Village
He graciously allowed me his throne
of an old used couch in a small crowded room
Flopped atop this grit brute - was secure from paranoid doom
It won’t happen Aga-nnn…..
Memory taken with me in steps uncharted trails
Recalls of one night slept
on the back of a Bigggg Huuuge of a Mannn…..
I slept on the back of one other King of a Foreign Village, I did
Only once before a real King crossed my path
I slept on his back for a night soooo many light years paaast
He loved me deeply I was true lucky mmmm… How many Kings have YOU met? Ne’er a one, not ANY? I declare I am blessed with odd irony sweetly.
Alas the King of the Foreign Village passed on to The Great Far Beyond
Stocking my grand fortune of beloved memory
But this King of the Village might outlive me
And in him this memory most likely will fade.
But I will keep this memory as mine sacred, in the spirit of a love gaiety
For it is not often a King spends his time with a lady/temp maid
And one so downtrodden and morbidly solemn
However lucky to know him, thanks be to God his mother born him, Anna Mae.
And no one can take that from me aw-ae
Not even with fists in a fight!
My sleep on the back of the King of the Village
Remains mine, mine, Aye! This time solidly held with all MY might!
I shan’t be long on this earth and will take that time with me to high
I slept on the back of The King of the Village
Ohhhh such a memoir of one most imprompt a nigh!

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